Sunday, March 10, 2013

1, 2, 3

It is March 10th. It is March 10th and somehow I don't believe it.

January was a blur of apartment hunting while evading the trickery of brokers and the wading the treacherous waters of roommates. Once we managed to find a place, a place that steadfastly waited for us as we waffled and tried to make decisions, January was time for analyzing all the stuff we've accumulated over the past year and figuring out how or if it belonged in the next. And then January just crashed in February. February brought new people as well as spaces, bigger, brighter more wonderful spaces. Spaces we could furnish and fill and customize and cherish. It brought 80 hour work weeks and 1am works nights on the heels of heavy lifting. It brought deep exhaustion. But most importantly, February brought friends new to the city and eager for adventure. Friends to go out with, to laughing hysterically with in pursuit of grilled cheese or wandering late nights in the East Village. Friends to stay in with, lazing about on couches or making smore's over the gas stove.

And now its March, sunny warm March just a few days shy of my birthday, and I'm feeling good about this place I'm in.